Worthy Mom: Jo Piazza

September 06, 2024

Jo Piazza

One of my all-time favorite podcasters, with her astute observations and deep dives into my favorite corners of the internet, is the incredibly talented Jo Piazza. Best-selling author, podcaster, editor, columnist, and travel writer, Jo has a knack for turning the most intriguing social phenomena into must-read content. Whether she’s unraveling the phenomenon of #tradwives like Ballerina Farm or dissecting the horrific drama surrounding Ruby Franke, Jo does it all with an insightful eye and a compassionate approach.

Jo's work has graced the pages of The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, New York Magazine, and just about every other publication worth reading. And let's not forget her podcasting prowess, with over 25 million downloads to her name. With four of her books already optioned for film and TV, Jo’s influence is only growing. She's not just insanely talented—she's a force of nature in the world of modern storytelling. Dive into the world of Jo Piazza, and you’re guaranteed to come away entertained, informed, and probably a little obsessed.

You’ve had quite an impressive career thus far, what has been your greatest professional achievement in your opinion?

I loved writing The Sicilian Inheritance. It is my favorite book to date and has brought me so much joy. So far we have sold about 60k copies and it just keeps going. Turning my Under the Influence podcast into an independent production owned and operated by me has also been incredible. I’m moving into a phase where I’m trying to take as much ownership as I can of my brand and my content and it feels really good.

In your latest book, The Sicilian Inheritance, you delve into the gripping mystery surrounding the murder of your great-great-grandmother, blending elements of true crime with historical fiction. Could you share with us how much of the book is based on real-life experiences and factual events, and how much is a product of your creative imagination? How did you balance the two while writing the story?

The murder of my great great grandmother Lorenza Marsala in 1916 inspired the story, but that was it…simply that a murder of a woman occurred when her husband went to make his fortune in America. The rest if fiction. But historically everything is really accurate.

I absolutely love your podcast Under the Influence for so many reasons—you're relatable, you cover some of my favorite topics, and you feature some great guests. What do you enjoy most about podcasting, and is there a particular aspect or moment that stands out to you?

I think podcasting is such an intimate medium and you can truly join people in the midst of their lives. It is the perfect medium for multitasking moms who need to get shit done while consuming content and learning new things.

Who has been your favorite influencer to deep dive?

Ruby Franke because that story was so bananas. 

What has been the most surprising thing you've learned about influencers through your podcast?

Just how much money they are making.

What topics have you not yet covered, but plan to?

Adoption influencers, Disney influencers and foster influencers.

How do you see AI changing the social media landscape?

I think there are going to be a lot more deep fakes and misinformation and we need guardrails and regulation sooner rather than later.

What did you think you wanted to be when you grew up?

A newspaper journalist.

What do you do when you are in a creative rut?

Go for a walk or jump on my kids’ trampoline.

If you had a free day to yourself and could do anything you wanted, what would you do?

Workout, sleep, read, watch a movie, repeat.

What do you always keep on hand for your children?

Snacks, wipes and raincoats. We go out in all the weather.

What is your favorite book? 

The Great Gatsby.

Favorite candy?


Salty or sweet?


Do you have a go-to baby gift? If so, what is it?

The One Line a Day book

Doona stroller

If someone played you in a biopic about your life, who would you want it to be?

Lizzy Caplan

What is your favorite restaurant in Philly?

Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Can you share any upcoming projects or plans you're excited about?

I have a trad wife thriller murder mystery coming out next summer that I am finishing as we speak.

Favorite Worthy Threads piece?

Pinafore dress in Boomboxes

Adult: Adult Leggings in Neon Stripe

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