Worthy Moms: Marla Sokoloff

May 02, 2024

marla sokoloff and daughters

Allow us to introduce you to a versatile creative powerhouse in the entertainment industry, Marla Sokoloff. Rising to prominence as a child actress with unforgettable roles like Gia on Full House and notable appearances on Boy Meets World, Step By Step and Party of Five, Marla has etched her name into the annals of Hollywood history. However, her journey extends beyond the glitz and glamour of the screen, as she has proven herself as a distinguished writer and director.

Marla's career is a captivating narrative, marked by her exceptional talent and versatility. From her early days as Gia to her evolution into a multifaceted Hollywood figure, she has seamlessly navigated the complexities of the industry. Her prowess extends beyond acting, showcasing a genuine passion for storytelling through writing and directing.

What sets Marla apart is not just her impressive resume but also her remarkable kindness and relatability. Despite her achievements, she remains grounded, making her a true gem in the entertainment world. In this exploration of Marla Sokoloff's journey, you'll witness the harmony of her various roles and the authenticity she brings to each endeavor.

Marla Sokoloff is not just an accomplished actress, but a creative force with a heartwarming touch. Join us as we delve into the world of this exceptional artist, where her kindness, relatability, and extraordinary talents converge to create a narrative that resonates far beyond the screen. Get ready to discover the many facets of Marla Sokoloff's remarkable journey in Hollywood.

What advice would you give to a kid who wanted to break into the entertainment industry?

It honestly depends on what we mean by “kid.” If it’s a very young person I always tell them to get into acting classes and make sure they love it! Because you really need to love it for longevity. Study as much as you can and figure out what you’re really good at (comedy, drama etc…). 

You did the ultimate thing of starring in all of my favorite shows in the TGIF lineup! (Full House, Step By Step & Boy Meets World) - were you a fan of these shows before you were on them? 

Huge fan. Always made sure to catch that line-up!! When I got the audition for Full House I was truly star struck at the idea of it all!

What is your favorite Gia moment from Full House?

I would say her first scene ever, smoking in the bathroom. I love that she went from being horrible to Stephanie to ultimately being a very good friend to her. 

Congratulations on the successful leap from acting to directing. That’s equally impressive and amazing! Did you have imposter syndrome making that leap? If so, how did you work to overcome it?

Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate that more than you know. Imposter syndrome doesn’t even cover what I had! I was so nervous and terrified. But I knew in my heart of hearts, that I was up for it. Needless to say, I am so grateful for that feeling! Keeps me on my toes;)  

Your first directorial debut was a short called Preschool in L.A. You wrote, directed and starred in it (talk about a triple threat..!) alongside your good friend Judy Greer. What is it like directing your friends? 

Well, first and foremost I am a fan of Judy Greer. Truly! No one is funnier in my book. We worked together before as actors so I felt very comfortable directing her. I also felt extremely lucky that she was starring in my short! I also got the opportunity to be directed by her in her directorial debut which was incredible. 

Favorite role you’ve played?

I loved my role on the Practice, Lucy Hatcher. It was also the longest I’ve been able to work on a character time wise which is so fun to do as an actor. 

What’s your favorite movie?

I have so many! Ranges from Clueless to Terms of Endearment. So I’m either crying or laughing.

You have 3 awesome daughters, how do you balance being such an acclaimed actor/director and parenthood? What are your favorite hacks for juggling it all?

I wish I knew! I always say that it’s really hard to do both well. One is always trying to compete for attention at any given time. When I’m working, I have a wonderful village and husband that helps me keep it all together, and when I’m in mom mode, I fit it all into my schedule with the girls.

What can’t you live without to stay organized?

My calendar. My husband made us a shared calendar and it’a been very efficient for our girl’s schedules. 

Go-to weeknight meal?

Anything that comes out of the slow cooker. Im a HUGE FAN. Lots of chili, bolognese, soups, you name it. I love driving home knowing that dinner is HANDLED.

How did you and your husband (drummer, Alec Puro) meet?

We were set up by our friend Jessica Capshaw. I was working with her on the Practice and was very not into dating. Luckily she talked me into going to dinner with her friend.

Favorite article of clothing?

Skims sweats. 

Favorite Candy?

Jelly Bellies or anything dark chocolate. 

Favorite LA restaurant?

There is a secret sushi bar by my house, it only sits like 10 people and is SO good. Scratch Bar. Very yummy. 

Favorite place to vacation?


Favorite IG Follow?

I love following Jenna Rennert for fashion and beauty advice. She is a great follow and somehow manages to make moms look cool.

Favorite Worthy Threads piece?

I still have the very first thing you ever gifted me - the sweetest little bee skirt. Hopefully soon Harper can wear it since BEA is her middle name:) 



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